Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Interesting Life of Holly Roach

            After being born in a van on the side of one of busiest streets in downtown Tampa, Holly Roach grew up with the significance of that event embedded in her mind.  Her father delivered her with little to no knowledge of delivering a baby, but put his confidence in God to bring this new life into the world.

Holly Roach is originally from Tampa, Fl., but has lived in Mayfield, Ky. since she was eight years old.  Holly’s mother, father, and sister currently reside in Mayfield, but her brother is living in Japan for the next few years. 

She is a 21-year old senior at the University of the Cumberlands.  Her major is Communication Arts and her minor is Psychology. 

She is currently enrolled as a full time student and holds a part time job at Big Lots in Corbin as well as a work study job at the college television station, UCTV 19

Journalism has always interested her because it gives people the ability to see what is going on in the world today.  With taking journalism, she hopes to gain a better understanding of writing news stories and be able to decide what news is important and what is not.

Two movies that Holly recently saw were Once and Stranger Than Fiction.  Even though both of these films were made a couple of years back, her interests were caught and loved that both of these films were completely different than most films coming out recently.

She recently downloaded three new songs.  The songs are Dog Days are Over by Florence + the Machine, I and Love and You by the Avett Brothers, and Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons.  Each of those songs was given to her as suggestions due to her eclectic taste in music.

Her two favorite books are “The Last Song” and “Icy Sparks.”  These two books were given to her by her older sister that she hardly ever gets to see so both mean a lot to her.

Holly admires Rolling Stone because the writers of that magazine write about subjects that other writers are scared to touch on.  Rolling Stone also offers a variety of different music and the new and upcoming artists.

Her current interests consist of reading, writing, and editing video.  She hopes to earn an internship over the summer in Knoxville, Tenn. for the television station, HGTV.  The goals she has set for herself in the future are getting a bachelor’s degree in Communication, a master’s degree in Mass Communication, and end up working for a prominent television station. 

Holly came into this world in an interesting way, and hopes to end up living an interesting life through finding a career and the person she will eventually fall in love with.

Quattrochiocchi Sinks 86-foot Buzzer Beater

            With .7 seconds left in the first half of the UC women’s basketball game on January 22 against Campbellsville, senior guard Stephanie Quattrochiocchi sinks an unexpected 86 foot shot.  Making headlines not only locally, but nationwide, Quattrochiocchi has landed the number one spot on ESPN Sportscenter Top Plays for the past week and continues to take over the polls.
“It was always my dream as a kid to be on Sportscenter, so for this to happen is unreal and I’m very grateful that it happened to me,” stated Quattrochiocchi.
Within hours of the shot being made, Sports Information Editor, Brandon Hensley, had the footage from the game edited, put on YouTube, and sent into television stations in Lexington, Louisville, and Knoxville.  After the stations said they would play the video, Brandon contacted ESPN and submitted the video two different times.
Soon after the video was being aired and seen, ABC’s “Good Morning America,” NBC, and CBS, all contacted Hensley seeking out permission to play the video on their stations.
On Monday morning, about 4 a.m., I received a YouTube message from a producer of ABC's “Good Morning America” asking if I minded if they ran the video.  I woke up at 7:45 that morning and saw the message and promptly responded with ‘absolutely!’  At 8:05 it was on Good Morning America, said Hensley.
Since her exposure nationwide, most students on campus have begun to recognize Quattrochiocchi.  “All the attention has been a little stressful, but everyone around campus has been so great about it and so encouraging.  It’s been pretty cool,” said Quattrochiocchi.
Hoping to ride on the fame a little longer, Quattrochiocchi is still letting the moment sink in.  Even though it was not a game winning shot, the moment will still go down in Cumberland history.

UC Baseball Team Assists in Youth Camp

           With baseball bats clinging and a crisp cool breeze blowing, the University of the Cumberlands baseball team was up bright and early to host a baseball youth camp on February 13.  Kids from the surrounding counties of McCreary, Knox, Whitley, and Laurel, ages 6 to 14 attended the spring camp in order to learn different techniques of the sport of baseball.
The turnout for the camp was more than expected with young boys showing up from the surrounding cities of London, Corbin, and Williamsburg.  “We hope to continue to offer these instructional camps throughout the year,” said Head Coach Brad Shelton.
The boys were divided into nine groups.  Each group was broken up by age and was assigned a baseball player or “coach” from the Cumberlands baseball team.  Teams were taught different fundamentals of baseball such as how to pitch, catch, and bat.  The kids went to ten different stations on the field with each station focusing on a specific skill.
The camp was not only good for the kids, but also for the Cumberland players.  They got a chance to have fun while working with energetic young men.  “Being able to work this camp gave me an opportunity to practice working with young children in a teaching setting,” said junior catcher Andrew Fox. 
With this educational experience for both players and the kids, Shelton hopes to continue with the camp.  “The camp was a huge success and the campers had a good time while learning some skills,” said Coach Shelton.
Information on the camps offered or the baseball team itself, can be found at the athletics site,

Cumberlands Updates Connection with Students

Holly Roach

Williamsburg, Ky.- University of the Cumberlands has created a new program for students, family members of students, and faculty and staff to be able to receive discounts, coupons, and free offers from local retail stores and restaurants via texting. 

On Monday evening, a text was sent out to cell phones throughout Cumberland’s campus.  The text asked for a reply from individuals to either opt in by responding with “UC” or to opt out by responding with “Stop.”

            “The discounts will be up to the individual businesses, and are designed to be short-term promotions that will be offered for a day or two only.  It is possible that we may get offers from businesses in the London area, but it stands to reason that the closer the business is to campus, the more likely they are to participate,” said Steve Morris, vice president of business services.

            An email was sent around to students and faculty around the Cumberland campus notifying them of the UC mobile text discounts.  Creators brought about the option of whether or not individuals would not like to be on the invite list by emailing them back about not receiving a text. 

After the text was sent out around campus, people were given the option to opt out of receiving any more texts by responding “stop” instead of “UC.”
            “I chose to opt in the program because it offers discounts that can save me money since I am on a limited income as a student,” said senior Courtney Ward.
            Within the past few years, Cumberland has chosen the option of using text messaging for other things on campus, such as the emergency notification system which warns students of dangerous weather or an emergency on campus.

            University of the Cumberlands is a Liberal Arts institution associated with the Kentucky Baptist Convention.  University of the Cumberlands is located in Williamsburg, Ky. and has over 3,300 students enrolled.
